Situated within the District of Mission’s Urban Growth Boundary, the 3,440 acre Silverdale Comprehensive Planning Area (SCPA) is bordered by Silverdale Creek to the east, rural and agricultural lands to the north, Silvermere Lake to the west and the Fraser River and ALR lands to the south. The Master Infrastructure Strategy (MIS) was initiated as a means to fill the policy gap between the District of Mission 2018 Official Community Plan (OCP) and future Silverdale Neighbourhood Plans by guiding the sustainable development and growth of the community.
The MIS serves to complete the prerequisite infrastructure master planning work for theSCPA and advance the long-term land use objectives of the OCP. Allowing for an orderly provision of community development and services, the MIS serves as a development planning framework for future neighbourhood planning within the SCPA.
Population and Unit Projection
The MIS provides the framework for the phased development of a sustainable mixed use community structured according to walkable neighbourhoods, offering a range of housing forms, including detached, ground-oriented attached and apartment homes, estimated at 17,000 units with a projected population of 40,000. Future Silverdale Neighbourhood Plans shall be prepared in accordance with the development planning recommendations described in the Master Infrastructure Strategy.
Land Use Planning
Responding to the scale and complexity of the SCPA, the MIS structures Silverdale into a series of 13 Precincts, each reflecting its own landscape identity and character. While each is distinct, the Precincts of Silverdale all share a walkable scale with direct access to natural open space.